Hamanaka needle felting kits - English translations + videos


Kanji got you down? Here’s a roundup of helpful video tutorials and kits pre-loaded with English translations for your Japanese felting kit obsession.


Hamanaka kits are legendary for their excellent illustrated instructions and clever techniques. Only about 1 in 10 Hamanaka kits come with an English translation in the kit... fortunately there is lots of help on the web! If your needle felting kit is in Japanese, check below for a video tutorial to help you get started.

YouTube to the rescue!

There are some great video tutorials by different crafters on YouTube. These are best used in combination with your paper instructions that come with the kit. Use the diagrams on your paper frequently for size/shape reference for each body part (watch this video to see how that’s done). The videos below will show you what order to felt and construct your project in.

Got a tip for a great Hamanaka felting kit tutorial? Send it to me!


Hamanaka kits that come with English instructions

Love the style of Japanese felting kits, and want the ease of having English instructions included with the kit? These kits come equipped with English instructions along with the original Japanese (which makes great wrapping paper or collage material, BTW).

Happy felting!

Skill buildingLeBrie Rich