Vivian Bui makes the most intricate felted pizza you've ever seen

Artist Vivian Bui was a ‘kit tester’ for my pizza felting kit. Her slices had such varied and inspired toppings! I begged her to make more and tell me about her process.

Vivian started needle felting a menagerie of tiny food sculptures for decorating her work cubicle - making her attendance there more pleasant. To her dismay, it attracted coworkers from all over the office who marveled at her teenie wool chicken and waffles!

Vivian is a passionate cook and eater, and her felted pizza slices reflect her palate. Her fiber eats shown here include 20 different toppings (not counting the various cheeses), and are all flavor combinations she’d approve of in the kitchen.

About her recent series of felted pizza slices, Vivian says, “I like food. I like felting. I like cute things. I also like stabbing.” [Editor’s note: the process of needle felting consists of stabbing wool with a barbed needle to sculpt it].

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If these slices were real food, the first one she’d munch is the anchovy/pesto/fried egg slice.

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Vivian’s cat Pig is always by her side when she felts, and spent time in the pizza box while she worked!


Want to make your own?

Full Pizza Kit

Pizza Supply Refill

InspirationLeBrie Rich